From 9-5 to Freelancing: Embracing Change for Career Growth

I waved goodbye to my regular job, embraced the freelancing life, and you know what? I'm feeling a bit of regret about it. It’s not that freelancing was a bad call, but because I wish I'd made the leap sooner.

In the beginning, I wrestled with doubts. While freelancing does come with its fair share of challenges, the unexpected rewards that come from stepping into the unknown have put me in a situation I never anticipated. It's been immensely rewarding.

"I waved goodbye to my regular job, I'm feeling a bit of regret about it."

Asking for a Raise

I still vividly recall the day I strolled into my supervisor's office, armed with a well-prepared request letter for a salary raise. I went in with a clear case, armed with numbers and proof of my hard work. I wanted to emphasize the significant effort and dedication I had put into my role. Some might've thought it was a bold move, but hey, I'm a firm believer in numbers. They say they never lie, right?

I didn't get a fancy rejection letter, but my supervisor gave me the verdict in person. Strangely enough, I wasn't crushed by the possibility of a 'no.' I saw it coming and asked myself, "How will I ever know if I don't take this shot?"

Embracing Change

The thought of getting stuck in the same old routine started to weigh on me. I could see a future with little to no progress in my career.

That's when I decided to cut ties. Going full-time freelance? It was like stepping into the great unknown. I'd been an employee for what felt like forever, so the idea of breaking free from that routine? Invigorating, to say the least. Yet, I couldn't shake off the doubt that nipped at my heels. Was I ready for this? Could I handle the uncertainty?

I thought, 'Why not give freelancing a shot? It might open doors, and even if it doesn't, at least I won't wonder 'what if.' I think it’s better than staying in a job that has a clear-cut path with limited room for growth.

It might open doors, and even if it doesn't, at least I won't wonder  
'what if.'

This decision, though uncertain, turned out to be the game-changer in my professional journey.

The Turning Point

It was a conversation with a fellow professional in the industry that solidified this decision for me, a friend in the industry, that itched this decision into my life. He spoke candidly about the challenges he faced as an in-house graphic designer.

He finds himself buried under an avalanche of tasks that were never supposed to be part of his role. What was once a clear-cut position gradually morphed into a juggling act of responsibilities that seemed to pile up endlessly. While he did receive occasional increments in his income, it became glaringly apparent that it didn't align with the substantial workload he was shouldering. What's even more distressing is that the income he's getting isn't even enough to make ends meet for his family.

"What was once a clear-cut position gradually morphed into a juggling act of responsibilities that seemed to pile up endlessly."

He painted a vivid picture of the struggles many face in traditional roles, where the boundaries of a job description blur, and individuals find themselves stretching far beyond their intended capacities. I couldn't help but empathize with his situation, having experienced similar challenges in my own role.

"Why not explore other options? Look for a new gig or dive into freelancing," I suggested.

He hesitated, saying that at his age, finding a new job might be an uphill battle. "I feel trapped," he confessed. "I remember you mentioning that you feel underpaid for the work you do," I said, recalling our earlier conversation. "What's your plan?"

He looked at me with a hint of defeat in his eyes. "I've been in this company for too long," he confessed. "This is the only job I know. Finding a new one feels like starting over again. I'll just stay and put in more effort. Hopefully, my boss will see it and give me a raise."

His words hung in the air, carrying a heavy feeling of acceptance and defeat.

Listening to him, it struck me how familiar his struggles sounded. For a while, I'd been caught in the loop of overwork and feeling undervalued in the corporate world. At one point, I thought maybe asking for a raise was the way out. But after some serious soul-searching, it was clear - I was done with that cycle. My discussion with my designer friend drove home the point of how widespread these challenges are, particularly as we move up the career ladder.

"I'd been caught in the loop of overwork and feeling undervalued in the corporate world."

Referencing the First Blog

If you caught my first blog, "Navigating Freelance Challenges and Embracing the Unexpected," you might be wondering why I'm still all about freelancing. Fair question. In that one, I spilled the beans on the rough edges and unexpected twists of the freelance journey.

But here's the thing – freelancing has granted me the freedom to choose the projects to take on and the clients to work with. It opened doors to projects that not only challenge my creativity but also align with my passions. And let's not forget about the financial aspect. Freelancing has not only matched but often exceeded the earnings I once hoped for in my previous job.

Yet, it's not just about the monetary gains. Freelancing isn't like a typical 9-to-5 job where you can afford to procrastinate and still receive a steady income. It requires diligence and accountability; idleness directly impacts both project acquisition and earnings. This experience has honed my ability to be proactive and manage my time effectively. Moreover, freelancing has provided me with a unique crash course in financial literacy. It challenged me to figure out how to manage money even during lean times, offering valuable lessons in resourcefulness and financial adaptability.

Okay, okay, I'm not here to glamorize freelancing as an infallibly lucrative industry. I'm not raking in a six-figure income, nor do I foresee hitting those heights. I'm making a comfortable living, but I still do experience occasional downturns. Freelancing has its ups and downs, and it's important to acknowledge the realities of the field.

Freelancing is like a crash course in adaptability. It taught me to think on my feet and pick up new skills quickly.

Freelancing is like a crash course in adaptability. It taught me to think on my feet and pick up new skills quickly. Looking back, it's been a game-changer, giving me the freedom to set my own goals and find satisfaction in both work and life. This is something I wouldn't have had the chance to learn if I hadn't made the decision to transition from the confines of a 9-to-5 job to the world of freelancing.


In reflecting upon my transition from a traditional 9-to-5 job to freelancing, I want to emphasize that this change isn't meant to diminish the value of corporate roles. Many find fulfillment and success in such positions, contributing significantly to their lives. It's important to acknowledge that employers, by and large, are driven by the need to adapt and thrive in competitive industries, not purely by greed.

This blog centers around the concept of summoning the courage to make difficult decisions and take action in the face of uncertainty. It's about recognizing our own agency in shaping our professional journeys.

As I share my story, I do so not to suggest a one-size-fits-all solution, but to offer a narrative that might resonate with those at a crossroads, facing choices that could redefine their paths.

The ability to assess our options and take decisive steps is a universal experience, regardless of profession. Whether you're considering freelancing, contemplating a shift in your career, or standing at any pivotal moment, know that you possess the innate capacity to make choices that align with your aspirations.

May this account serve as a source of encouragement, a reminder that embracing change, however daunting, can lead to unforeseen growth and fulfillment. Your journey may take a different course, but remember, the power to shape it lies firmly in your hands."


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